When i feel like i'm in need of a dose of calcium, i would have ice cream and i love the full cream sort (sorbet is not my thing). The fuller, the creamier, the better. However, i know of poor souls out there who are lactose intolerant or vegans who can't get to enjoy the full smooth sweet dessert made from moo juice and eggs. Well, here is Brownice to the rescue, the first Vegan Ice Cream parlor in Singapore that does organic, dairy free frozen treats that will satisfy any sweet tooth out there.
Their ice cream is made organic brown rice milk, fruits and nuts. Absolutely no cream, no milk, no eggs and Au-natural flavors. For the weight conscious folks, eat up without worrying about the extra pounds. These low fat desserts are absolutely guilty free. #TrueStory
If all that health nut stuff is putting you off, you really need to reserve your judgment on this one. I guarantee you it tastes nothing like what you envision healthy ice cream to be. Brown rice milk is a great substitute for cream and it still provides the creamy smooth texture. It tastes exactly like normal milk. You wouldn't know the difference unless someone tells you that.
The flavors here change daily (they keep the best sellers and rotate the others) and they have quite a range. The French Chocolate is very delicate and has a powdery mouth feel to it. In my memory, it simply sublimed after i took a bite. The Dark Chocolate is very rich in comparison, it's like eating a chocolate bar. The Pumpkin Coconut is extremely unique and it really tastes like Chinese dessert paste! Very smooth and rich flavors in this one! Eating the Apple Cinnamon is like having candied apples and the Peanut Butter Caramel is almost out of the jar. I was thoroughly amazed at how real all the flavors are.
If you can't decide what to have.. well, just get everything! 3 scoops will only set you back by S$7! Or have an Ice Cream Bowl with 4 scoops of ice cream and 4 toppings of your choice. Every additional scoop will only costs S$1.50. Whee!! The servers are also very generous with the treats!
Pick from fresh roasted walnuts, organic raisins and cranberries, syrups and all. I highly recommend the caramelized sea salted almonds for the extra crunch in your guilt free dessert (S$1 per topping). Brownice also does waffles and brownies if the toppings aren't enough to satisfy you. The brownies looked really rich and moist.
If you are in the Sin Ming area and a little sick of Udders, Salted Caramel or Scoopz, why not give Brownice a shot. Great place for a fat free but tasty snack after all that supper. S highly endorses this. He thinks he can eat all the ice cream he wants now but he has obviously forgotten about the sugar...